Program Provides for Local Investment in Housing, Infrastructure
Washington D.C. – July 24, 2009 – (RealEstateRama) — The House of Representatives approved the annual appropriations bill for transportation and housing today which included $4.6 billion for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), an increase of $725 million or 18.7 percent. The bill was approved by a vote of 256 to 168.
“These resources allow communities to create programs that make real differences in the lives of countless families,” said Rep. Levin. “CDBG-funded housing rehabilitation programs ensure that broken furnaces are replaced in time for winter, and CDBG-funded investments in local parks and roads promote stronger neighborhoods.”
The CDBG program provides direct federal funding to local governments to make needed investments that improve the quality of life in communities. These funds are used to rehabilitate housing, reconstruct residential streets, help fund domestic violence shelters, and fund important economic development initiatives.
In 2009 the counties of Macomb and Oakland, and the communities within, received $11 million in CDBG funds. In addition to these funds, the Recovery Act provided $2.9 million for the counties and communities.
Carlo Santia, Director of Planning and Community Development for Clinton Township said, “For some residents, the CDBG programs mean the difference in having a roof over their head and a safe place to sleep. This is an important program to address the needs of Clinton Township.”
Clinton Township currently uses CDBG program funds for a variety of projects including housing rehabilitation, shelter services for battered women and children, yard maintenance for low-income seniors, and recreational programs for children.
The legislation passed by the House today will also make needed investments to keep our transportation system safe, secure and up-to-date. It sets aside funds to build the next generation of high-speed passenger rail and also to improve and repair our nation’s aging highway system. The Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act also invests in counseling to help families who are at risk of foreclosure stay in their homes and increases funding for rental vouchers and housing assistance for the disabled, elderly and homeless veterans. The measure must now be considered by the Senate.