MPSC Grants Licenses to Eligo Energy MI, LLC as an Alternative Electric Supplier and as an Alternative Gas Supplier


WASHINGTON, D.C. – June 16, 2015 – (RealEstateRama) — The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) today granted licenses to Eligo Energy MI, LLC as an alternative electric supplier (AES) and as an alternative gas supplier (AGS).

The company, which applied for licenses on Dec. 19 and Dec. 22, 2014, is a privately-held, wholly-owned subsidiary of Eligo Energy, LLC, headquartered in Chicago. Today’s orders direct the company to notify the Commission staff in writing of the address of its yet-to-be-established Michigan office prior to engaging in any marketing activity.

In Case No. U-17697, the MPSC granted the AES license, determining that the company possesses the appropriate managerial and technical capabilities to serve customers in Michigan and complies with other lawful obligations. The MPSC has opened a separate docket (Case No. U-17855) for the company to submit a renewable energy plan, as required by Public Act 295 of 2008.

In Case No. U-17814, the MPSC granted the AGS license, determining that the company’s application is in the public interest and that by granting this request for a license, opportunities for competition may expand. The Commission conditioned the license on compliance with all applicable provisions of Public Act 634 of 2002, the Commission’s orders and administrative rules, and each of the delivering natural gas utilities’ tariffs. Failure to comply with any of these provisions may result in revocation of the license or other penalties.

For more information about the MPSC, please visit

Contact: Judy Palnau, 517-284-8300

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