City of Jackson and MDOT host public meeting to discuss two-conversion in downtown Jackson


WASHINGTON, D.C. – August 20, 2015 – (RealEstateRama) — The City of Jackson and Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will host a public open house to discuss the proposed two-way conversion on I-94 Business Loop (BL), Louis Glick Highway and Washington Avenue, in downtown Jackson. The public is invited to stop by any time during the two-hour meeting to learn more about the proposal and provide comments.

City of Jackson officials
MDOT officials
Interested residents and commuters

Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2015
6 – 8 p.m.

Steve’s Ranch Restaurant
311 Louis Glick Highway

Special accommodations: 517-780-7540

Currently, I-94 BL in the city of Jackson is operating as a one-way pair with Louis Glick Highway carrying westbound traffic and Washington Avenue carrying eastbound traffic. The proposal would allow two-way traffic on both Louis Glick Highway and Washington Avenue using the current pavement width. To accommodate the change, the Michigan Avenue/Louis Glick Highway/Washington Avenue/Wildwood Avenue intersection would need to be reconstructed to allow two-way traffic patterns. Construction would occur in 2017.

Download MDOT’s Mi Drive traffic information app:

Kari Arend, MDOT Office of Communications,


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