Michigan communities federally recognized for their commitment to water fluoridation
Eight Michigan communities have been recognized by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for their contributions to oral health through community water fluoridation, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services announced today
DNR helps property owners extinguish small wildfire in Marquette County
Michigan Department of Natural Resources firefighters helped members of a lake property owners’ association extinguish a small wildfire, which charred about a quarter-acre of property Monday, July 27 near Helen Lake in Humboldt Township (Marquette County).
Saginaw Downtown Development Authority awarded cleanup grant for new farmers market
The grant will pay for investigations to determine the extent of contamination, disposal of contaminated soil, capping, and partial building demolition. The existing Saginaw Farmers Market will relocate to the project site, located at S. Water Street and S. Washington Avenue. The former Saginaw News building will host an indoor farmers market, food hub, commercial kitchen space, ballroom and conference space, and offices.
Senators Stabenow, Peters Announce Support for Seniors in St. Clair Shores
U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters today announced support for the City of St. Clair Shores to renovate and expand its Senior Activity Center, which offers programs and activities to people 50 and over. The funding comes through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and will be used to expand the fitness center by approximately 2,000 square feet and renovate the kitchen space to include a small coffee shop, among other improvements. This $1,760,000 loan will also be used to add a partially-covered patio and renovate offices and common areas.
Senators Stabenow, Peters Win Fight to Preserve Funds to Keep Michigan Cities, Neighborhoods Safe
U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters today made the following statement regarding the commitment to remove a provision in the U.S. Senate's transportation bill that would have eliminated $1.7 billion from the U.S. Department of Treasury's Hardest Hit Fund. The Hardest Hit Fund allows cities across the country to invest in blight removal efforts and help homeowners. If this provision had passed, funding for blight removal in cities throughout Michigan would have been significantly cut
Congressman Dan Kildee Champions Comprehensive Legislation to End Discrimination against LGBT Americans
New Bill Would Extend Civil Rights Protections to Include Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Protecting LGBT Americans from Discrimination in Housing, Employment, Credit and other Areas of Public Life. Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-05), a Vice Chair of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus, today cosponsored new legislation – the Equality Act – to extend civil rights protections to lesbian, gay, and transgender (LGBT) Americans in public accommodations, housing, employment, and other core areas of daily life.
MPSC Approves Settlement Agreement Reconciling Northern States Power Company’s 2014 Electric and Natural Gas...
The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) today approved a settlement reconciling Northern States Power Company's 2014 electric and natural gas energy optimization costs and revenues and revising surcharges
Senator Stabenow Measure to Protect Homeowners from Higher Taxes Advances in Senate
U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), a senior member of the Senate Finance Committee, today praised the Committee's extension of a provision that will ensure that homeowners working with their banks to reduce their mortgage payments will not be hit with a huge tax bill. In addition, the Committee passed her amendment to provide additional certainty to homeowners who might be eligible for this tax relief. This measure, based on Senator Stabenow's Mortgage Forgiveness Tax Relief Act introduced earlier this year, was included in the Committee's tax extenders package.
New rustic cabin now available for rent at Sleepy Hollow State Park
The cabin, with a scenic view of 410-acre Lake Ovid, sleeps five people. The lighting is solar-powered and a propane wall heater provides warmth during cold months. Drinking water is available near the cabin, as well as a vault-style toilet. The bedroom includes a full-size bed with a single bunk above, and a full-size futon located in the adjoining room
Woda Group bringing housing diversity to north side of Grand Rapids with LIHTC funds...
Grand View Place will add more housing diversity to the near north side of Grand Rapids on the western banks of the Grand River. Woda Group, Inc. plans to build this 68-unit affordable housing development using Low-Income Housing Tax Credits from the Michigan State Housing Development Authority.
Gov. Rick Snyder makes appointment to Board of Real Estate Appraisers
Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the appointment of Chelsea Knauf, of Grand Rapids, to the Michigan Board of Real Estate Appraisers. Housed within the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, the nine-member board licenses and regulates the service of more than 6,000 real estate appraisers.
Gov. Rick Snyder makes reappointments to Board of Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons
Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the reappointments of Matthew Davis, of Marshall, and James Lance, of Battle Creek, to the Michigan Board of Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons
Invitation to Apply – Openings Available on the Board of Zoning Appeals, Parks and...
The City of Traverse City is seeking volunteers who are interested and excited to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals. The open position is for one unexpired term, ending on June 30, 2017. Members shall not be in default to the City, shall be over 18 years of age and shall be residents of the City of Traverse City
NR director grants limited ORV use at Bewabic State Park
Michigan Department of Natural Resources Director Keith Creagh has issued an order approving off-road vehicle use atBewabic State Park in Iron County, the fifth Michigan state park where ORV use has been approved since 2009. Creagh announced his decision at Thursday’s meeting of the Michigan Natural Resources Commission in Lansing.
Moolenaar Questions EPA Director on Agency’s Overreaching Water Rule
Today, Representative John Moolenaar (R-Midland) questioned EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy about her agency’s Waters of the United States Rule. The EPA announced the rule last month, despite a recent bipartisan vote in Congress calling on the agency to withdraw the rule and seek more comment from local communities and their residents.