
Consumers Energy Offers Seven Energy-Saving Tips to Help Michigan Residents Beat the Heat This...

Consumers Energy is reminding Michigan residents that, even as temperatures climb, there are many ways to reduce energy bills and still stay cool this summer.

Leaders pledge water quality improvements for Lake Erie

Gov. Rick Snyder and leaders from other Great Lakes States and Canada gathered today in Quebec City for the Conference of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors and Premiers and signed an agreementthat will greatly improve water quality in the Western Lake Erie basin

Gov. Rick Snyder makes appointment to Manufactured Housing Commission

Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the appointment of Bryan Davis, of Redford, to the Manufactured Housing Commission. The commission establishes uniform policies related to all phases of manufactured housing, business manufactured housing parks and seasonal manufactured housing parks

Congresswoman Lawrence Announces $5 Million Southfield MSF Project

Congresswoman Brenda L. Lawrence (MI-14) on Tuesday released the following statement in regard to the Michigan Strategic Fund’s approval of nearly $5 million in local and school tax capture for the City of Southfield Brownfield Redevelopment Authority to redevelop 14 acres of property on Northwestern Highway for Dürr Systems, Inc

DEQ announces 30-year vision for water

The DEQ’s Office of the Great Lakes today released a draft water strategy built around a 30-year vision for ensuring Michigan’s water resources support healthy ecosystems, residents, communities and economies

Stabenow, Peters Announce Green Infrastructure Grant for Muskegon

U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow, Co-Chair of the Great Lakes Task Force, and Gary Peters, member of the Great Lakes Task Force today applauded the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative announcement to allocate $110,448 to the City of Muskegon to fund green infrastructure projects. The City of Muskegon plans to use the grant to install one constructed wetland, two rain gardens, and one bioswale to help the community prevent the discharge of more than 5 million gallons of untreated stormwater into Muskegon Lake and Lake Michigan each year

Senator Stabenow Announces $1.5 Million for Manistee Water Project

U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow, Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, today announced support for Filer Township in Manistee County. The $1,500,000 grant will be used to support necessary improvements to the community's wastewater system. This investment is part of Senator Stabenow's 2014 Farm Bill, which increased funding for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Rural Development Water and Environmental programs.

MPSC Seeks Additional Information from Consumers Energy on Its Proposed Pilot Solar Distributed Generation...

The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) today directed Consumers Energy Company to submit additional information on its proposed pilot solar distributed generation program and opened a public comment period.

Rep. Miller Cosponsors Legislation Aimed at Banning Microbeads from Consumer Products

Rep. Candice Miller (MI-10) issued the following statement after cosponsoring the Microbead-Free Waters Act of 2015 (H.R. 1321), legislation aimed at banning the production and distribution of household products that contain synthetic microbeads

Public meeting June 16 to discuss planned 2016 M-115 reconstruction east of Frankfort

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will have a public meeting to discuss the planned 2016 reconstruction of M-115 from Frankfort to US-31 in Benzie County.

Gov. Rick Snyder signs bill streamlining accessibility, affordability of property tax records

Residents of Michigan who contact their county treasurer’s office to obtain property tax information will no longer have to pay exorbitant fees for those records, under legislation signed today by Gov. Rick Snyder

Go Green! in Home Building and Remodeling; Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings Benefit Homeowners

Building and remodeling to energy efficiency standards and codes benefits homeowners and the environment is the focus during this fourth week of Building Safety Month.

Dr. Benishek Reacts to Federal Power Grab

Following the announcement by the Environmental Protection Agency to broadly expand their regulatory authority through the controversial Waters of the United States Rule, Dr. Dan Benishek has released the following statement

DEQ awards 10 water quality grants

The DEQ today announced grants totaling almost $3.1 million to improve water quality in Michigan lakes and streams. These grants will help restore impaired waters and protect high-quality waters by reducing nonpoint sources of sediment, nutrients and other contaminants

City Storm Water Sewer Televising and Inspection

The City of Traverse City Department of Public Services will be overseeing Storm water structure inspection work at various locations around the City. Locations that will require more extensive traffic control and partial lane closures include: Grandview Parkway, Division Street, Fourteenth Street, Veterans Drive, Cass Street, Lake Street, Railroad Avenue, Woodmere Avenue, Hannah Avenue, Garfield Avenue, East Eighth Street, Peninsula Drive, Carver Street and the Downtown area. The work is expected to begin on Tuesday, May 26, 2015, and will consist of storm water structure inspection and surveying.


New shorelands program helps waterfront homeowners improve shorelines, inland lakes

The Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership recently launched a program to help lakefront homeowners understand best practices to protect their shoreland and inland lakes. The Michigan Shoreland Stewards Program will recognize inland lake property owners who are using healthy property management practices to protect their inland lake and offer tips to improve the shoreline further.


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