Stabenow, Peters Announce Nearly $200,000 to Support Job Training for Homeless Veterans in Flint...
U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters today announced $199,996 has been awarded to Volunteers of America-Michigan to support job training for homeless veterans in Bay, Genesee, Saginaw, and Shiawassee counties. The funding, which is part of the Department of Labor's Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP), will go towards assisting veterans with job training for in-demand jobs and help them transition out of homelessness and into more sustainable housing
Huizenga Fights to Protect Michigan’s Clean Energy Investment in Ludington from the EPA
The House passed H.R. 2042, the Ratepayer Protection Act, which included a bipartisan amendmentfrom Congressman Huizenga (MI-02) and Congressman Kildee (MI-05) encouraging the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to include the benefits of clean energy storage in their emissions calculation under the Clean Power Plan.
House Passes Bill to Stop EPA’s Pending CO2 Regulation from Shutting Down More Michigan...
U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10) issued the following statement after House passage of the Ratepayer Protection Act of 2015 (H.R. 2042), legislation that would delay implementation of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed plan to force mandatory carbon dioxide (CO2) standards on state electricity systems and allow states to opt out entirely if the standards would increase rates for consumers and/or would jeopardize reliability
Congresswoman Lawrence Announces $8 million Oakland County Brownfield Project
Congresswoman Brenda L. Lawrence (MI-14) on Tuesday released the following statement regarding the Michigan Strategic Fund’s (MSF) approval of nearly $8 million in local and school tax capture for the Oakland County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority to develop 80 acres in downtown Pontiac as part of the pending M1 Concourse project
Consumers Energy Develops Community Solar Program to Power Michigan with New Renewable Energy Sources
Consumers Energy today announced plans to move forward with a new community solar program, called Solar Gardens, that will develop renewable energy sources with help from Michigan residents.
Gov. Rick Snyder makes appointment to Residential Builders’ and Maintenance and Alteration Contractors’ Board
Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the appointment of Bradley Laackman, of Grand Rapids, to the Residential Builders' and Maintenance and Alteration Contractors' Board. The nine-member board assists the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs with licensing and regulating the construction, alteration or improvement of residential structures.
Gov. Rick Snyder makes appointment to State Building Authority
Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the appointment of Linda Orlans, of Birmingham, to the State Building Authority Board of Trustees. The five-person board oversees the State Building Authority, which issues and sells bonds and notes to acquire equipment and construct facilities.
Gov. Rick Snyder: Consumers Energy, DTE Energy each to invest $5 billion in partnership...
Businesses across the state could get a boost from a combined $10 billion commitment from DTE Energy and Consumers Energy as part of the state’s Pure Michigan Business Connect program, Gov. Rick Snyder said
Senator Stabenow Announces Support for Reed City Police Department to Buy New Bulletproof Vests...
U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow, Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, today announced support for the Reed City Police Department in Osceola County. This funding comes through the USDA's Rural Development Community Facility Grant program, which funds critical infrastructure in rural communities across the country. The $13,000 grant will be used to help purchase bulletproof vests for police officers and upgrade their emergency communications system
Detroit Swims expands to offer free swim lessons and water safety days this summer...
The YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit encourages children and parents in the city and surrounding area to explore the many benefits of swimming, while also keeping safety top of mind. On June 20, a new partnership will help many Detroit families do just that by offering free swim lessons through Detroit Swims and Water Safety Days on Belle Isle.
West Michigan Company Receives $63,000 Rebate from Consumers Energy for Energy-Efficient Expansion
A family-owned Wyoming manufacturer is saving energy and money with improvements to its expanded warehouse, resulting in an energy efficiency incentive payment of more than $63,000 from Consumers Energy.
MPSC Directs Electric Utilities to Inform Commission on Their Intention to Participate in the...
The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) today directed utilities to file the number of retail billing meters they serve in Michigan by July 1, if they intend to participate in the funding factor surcharge that funds the Low-Income Energy Assistance Fund.
MPSC Approves Settlement Agreement Authorizing Consumers Energy Company to Recover $333,459 from Electric Customers
The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) today approved a settlement agreement authorizing Consumers Energy Company to recover $333,459 from electric customers in the Oct. 2015 billing month.
MPSC Grants Licenses to Eligo Energy MI, LLC as an Alternative Electric Supplier and...
The company, which applied for licenses on Dec. 19 and Dec. 22, 2014, is a privately-held, wholly-owned subsidiary of Eligo Energy, LLC, headquartered in Chicago. Today's orders direct the company to notify the Commission staff in writing of the address of its yet-to-be-established Michigan office prior to engaging in any marketing activity
MPSC Directs Midwest Energy Cooperative to Make Certain Filings as It Transitions to a...
The utility on May 26 adopted a resolution to become member-regulated, in accordance with Public Act 167 of 2008, the Electric Cooperative Member-Regulation Act. The utility will become member-regulated on Aug. 24, assuming it fulfills all of the notice and hearing requirements of the Act. It would become the seventh electric cooperative to become member-regulated since the law became effective.